And in the blink of an eye, we’re getting ready for another Conscious Movement Conference in Cape Town!
It’s been almost two years since our last CMC… and it’s time for us all to RECONNECT.
We are always excited at the opportunity to meet and learn from our fabulous presenters, and this NINTH conference is no different.
It’s a privilege to welcome presenters from Belgium, Seychelles, and from across our own beautiful country.
Our theme for CMC 2024 is EXPAND AND REFINE.
As always, we encourage this opportunity to explore new movements and disciplines. To expand our thinking. And to refine our practice and teaching.
Check out this website for the lineup of presenters and the diverse topics on offer.
Situated across from Kirstenbosch Gardens, we look forward to hosting you for this conference weekend in the beautiful green space of The Source Studio!
Bryan and Renee
Co-Directors of The Source Studio and Conscious Movement Education